Little ghost pattern now available
#leathercraft #leatherpattern #leatherornament #leatherdecoration #ghostdecorations #ghost #ghostdecor #halloweenproject #halloweendecorations #spookyseason #spooky#leatherwork

#leathercraft #leatherpattern #ghost #ghostdecor #halloweendecorations #halloweenprojects #halloweendecor #leatherdecor #leatherornament #halloweenghost #ghostdecorations

#leathercraft #leatherdecor #leatherpattern #leatherskull #skullplush #skullplushie #skull #humanskull #halloweenproject #halloweendecor #halloweendecorations #leatherplush

#leathercraft #skull #skullplush #skullplushie #leatherpattern #halloweenproject #halloweendiy #halloweenplush #leatherskull #plush #handmadeplush #spookyseason #spookyplush #fall #leatherplush

Anubis mask with removable headpiece.
#leathermask #leathercraft #leatherpattern #animalmask #anubismask #dogmask #cosplaymask #cosplay #costume #leatherheadpiece

#leathermask #leathercraft #anubis #anubismask #dogmask #animalmask #costumemask #headpiece #leatherheadpiece #leatherpattern

It's been awhile since I made it and I forgotten how much it killed my fingers to make the first time. This bag will be going to a new home soon.
#leathercraft #leatherpattern #leatherbag #leatherpurse #leatherbook #bookbag #decorativebooks #bookpurse #medievalbook #antiquebooks #spellbook #grimoire #oldbooks #vintagebooks

Leather iron maiden with functional doors.
#leatherpattern #leatherornament #leathercraft #leatherbox #ironmaiden #ironmaidentorturedevice #medievaltorture #jewllerybox #coffin

#leatherpattern #leatherstitching #leatherwork #leathercraft #ironmaiden #ironmaidentorturedevice #medievaltorture #leatherbox #leatherornament

Just wanted to show everyone the mockup for the corset purse. The store ran out of the single colour foam sheet packs so I had to use the multicoloured ones.
#mockup #leatherpattern #leatherbag #leathercraft #leatherpurse #progress #corsetmaking #bagmaking #leathercorset #corset #bucketbag #testing #fashionbag #victoriancorset #tester

Corset bag
#leatherpattern #leatherbag #leatherbucketbag #leatherpurse #leathercorset #leathercraft #corset #corsetbag #corsetmaking #victoriancorset #leathercostume #bucketbag #drawstringbag #fashionbag

I'll leave this here while I rest my hands.
#leatherbag #leatherpattern #leatherpurse #leathercraft #leatherbucketbag #bucketbag #corset #corsetmaking #corsetbag #leathercorset #drawstringbag

Leech teeth mask
#leatherpattern #leatherteeth #leathercraft #leathermask #leathercostume #monstermask #mask #halfmask #cosplaymask #costumemask

More teeth...
#leatherpattern #leatherwork #leathercraft #leathermask #leatherteeth #monstermask #teethmonster #leechteeth #halfmask #mask #cosplaymask

Bag has landed
#leatherbackpack #leatherpattern #leatherbag #leatherwings #leathercraft #leatherfeather #labradorite #wingsbackpack #angelwings #blackwings #pdfpattern #gothicbag #handmadebag

Coming soon
#leatherpattern #leatherbag #leatherstitching #leatherwork #leathercraft #leatherbackpack #leatherwings #wings #wingsbackpack #angelwings #labradorite #labradoritecabochon

Articulated dragon pattern is now available.
This project was inspired by the dragon dance during the Lunar New Year. The length of the dragon is adjustable by simply adding or reducing the number of links.
#leatherpattern #leatherornament #leatherdragon #leathercraft #dragonmodel #dragon #dragonpuppet #dragondance #reddragon #articulateddragon #easterndragon